Learn how we are creating better products for a cleaner planets

Everyday tons and tons of petroleum plastics and other toxic materials are being disposed of and too much of it ends up in lands, rivers, lakes etc… We know a lot of people are changing their habits and that is fantastic! But what about the people who don’t change their habits? By using science we have come up with several eco-friendly products that are for the purpose of replacing products like petroleum in order to reduce plastic pollution. These products will not just benefit non habit changing folks but everyone who uses them and most importantly our planet.

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There are many plant species that we call “wonder plants”. For thousands of years plants like bamboo, sugarcane, palm leaf and others have been used as building materials, food, medicine, clothing and more. Now we have the technology to use these same plants to create new and excited products that are completely biodegradable and compostable.

Our process for creating new plant based products

Recently we have had several restaurants and pubs ask us about biodegradable stir straws or sippy straws. They were using the old red and black petroleum plastic ones at their bars. So of course we accepted their request and got to work on having a new eco-friendly product created for them. The process starts with finding a plant species that will be both sustainable and durable. Sugarcane in the past has been used for our standard size drinking straws. Once the plants are collected they are then turned into a liquid resin which is then ready to be poured into a mould. The mould gets crafted and machined and then the liquid plant resin is poured in and spun to make to make the straws. After a few day they are ready to be used in warm and cold liquids. They will typically degrade in about 18 months. This process has been used on many of the products we provide such as carryout containers, cups, lids, etc…

New water soluble plastics!

Water soluble plastic is a plant based plastic that instantly dissolves in water. We are currently working on several applications for this ground breaking material. Stay tuned for further developments.



Contact one of our specialist today to learn how we can turn your eco-friendly product idea into reality!